All of our employees are expected to conduct their activities for Botch Construction fairly and ethically, in such a way that it enhances the Group’s reputation.

Our Goals are:

  • To promote and maintain honesty, integrity, and high ethical standards
  • To prevent financial and reputational damage to Botch Construction and its staff

Botch Construction personnel are committed to achieving these goals:

  • Managers are responsible and accountable for upholding and communicating this policy and leading by example
  • All Botch Construction personnel must comply with this policy and promptly report concerns and violations

To ensure compliance with our Ethics & Business Integrity Policy we :

  • Comply with all laws governing Botch Construction and its operations as well as Botch Construction internal policies including those on Health & Safety, Environment, Security and Social Responsibilities
  • Treat all staff, business partners and local communities fairly and with respect
  • Ensure we avoid making any illegal payments including to customers, agents, and host governments
  • Avoid all conflicts of interest including any transactions which could be perceived as conflicts of interest
  • Ensure all Botch Construction documentation, including financial accounts and records, are accurate, complete, and truthful
  • Maintain the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information
  • Compete fairly
  • Report all violations and concerns in a spirit of openness and transparency