Botch Construction is committed to a voluntary SHE approach (Safety, Health and Environment) that aims to consolidate staff awareness on healthcare issues, safety of people and facilities, and on the environmental impact of the company activities. The HSE management is directly attached to the Subsidiary General Manager.


“Botch Construction is a company with strong values, carried by each employee. Our target for each barrel we produce and deliver, is excellence. We constantly foment innovation in the fields of technology and working methodology. This requirement for innovation also applies to our HSE policy. We are proactive in terms of risk analysis, training and preventve measures. Above all, we carefully rally our teams in a way that promotes the reporting of information, in order to take account of any incident and to put in place any necessary corrective actions very promptly. Here again, our very short decision-making process is a real strength.”


Ensuring that our people and facilities are safe

Each staff member receives HSE training during his/her career. Depending on their jobs, our collaborators are trained on operating security, crisis management or any other relevant standardised technical training (electric risk, survival at sea etc.). Access to Botch Construction production sites also requires staff members to follow an HSE induction that prepares any participant for the general risks they may face on our facilities, with several specific risks related to offshore and H2S (Hydrogen sulfide), etc.

Continuously improving our methods and tools is a priority.

Analyse any risk related to our operations in order to identify potential hazards.

TRAIN all the participants
Initiate each collaborator to the standard rules of healthcare, safety and environmental compliance.

ENCOURAGE participation  
Advocate the reporting of dangerous situations or incidents.

Health is at the heart of our concerns

We are committed to offer to all our collaborators a quality medical follow-up. Our production sites are are equipped with healthcare and first-aid facilities (integrating medical staff and equipment) and training, evacuation and emergency response plans.

formation-RDC-PerencoRespecting the environment and local communities

We regularly assess the impact of our activities on the environment through documented technical studies, taking into account the particularities of the areas where we have been operating.

Each site benefits from trained staff and has dedicated anti-pollution equipment adapted to the surrounding environment – onshore, offshore, or sensitive environment- to remedy in case of emergency situations and to promote a rapid response.

Each subsidiary has an Emergency Antipollution Plan to assess accident scenarios and define the rules and intervention resources. We regularly carry out large scale exercises to assess our level of responsiveness and our capacity to manage a crisis. We have taken out assistance contracts with specialised international providers or with our local partners. Our objective is to minimise as much as possible any risks, while ensuring we have rapid and effective response resources in the event of an accident.

Double expertise, proximity and accountability: the keys of an effective HSE policy

Botch Construction operations are based on proximity and accountability, so teams have the capacity to be self-sufficient and to analyse risks while being prepared to handle the management of a crisis more effectively. We consider that the quality of responsiveness is not only down to the rules. It also relies on our skills and our ability to face our responsibilities.

Being close to the management and able to take rapid decisions is an invaluable advantage, as it permits to act quickly and thus to limit the effects of any potential incident.

Increasingly complex worksites: a real HSE challenge

The maintenance operations of our facilities have all the attention of our HSE managers.

Recently, the company carried out large integrity works on a FPSO, a floating production unit and a crude storage unit. This illustrates the complexity of the operations our HSE teams have to deal with. Works on this site lasted for three years and rallied 120 people on top of the 100 people usually active on the ship, to change 200 tons of steel in confined spaces, difficult to access, while continuing to operate the field reserves. This achievement, unprecedented in the industry, was carried out without any occupational accident or work interruption. This is the result of a close collaboration in subsidiary between departments involved, as Operations management, Marine team and HSE management.